Formalized theorems

MSC Name Isabelle HOL Light Coq Lean Metamath Mizar
05 Hales–Jewett theorem L
03 Cantor–Bernstein–Schroeder theorem S S X L L L
30 Identity theorem L
05 Turán's theorem L
26 Cantor's intersection theorem L
30 Hartogs's theorem X
54 Baire category theorem L
20 Sylow theorems L
26 Squeeze theorem L
16 Isomorphism theorem L
28 Dominated convergence theorem L
28 Bounded convergence theorem L
46 Closed graph theorem L
03 Löwenheim–Skolem theorem L
14 Hilbert's Nullstellensatz (theorem of zeroes) L
11 Euler's partition theorem L
11 Apéry's theorem X
11 Minkowski's theorem L
28 Vitali convergence theorem L
54 Tychonoff's theorem L
26 Taylor's theorem L
20 Cauchy's theorem L
54 Brouwer fixed-point theorem X
28 Fubini's theorem L
03 Compactness theorem L
51 Pythagorean theorem L
26 Monotone convergence theorem L
11 Lucas's theorem L
16 Fundamental theorem on homomorphisms L
11 Zeckendorf's theorem L
28 Radon–Nikodym theorem L
28 Egorov's theorem L
54 Metrization theorems L
26 Fundamental theorem of calculus L
15 Birkhoff–Von Neumann theorem L
20 Nielsen–Schreier theorem L
57 Whitney embedding theorem L
11 Fermat's Last Theorem L
54 Tietze extension theorem L
26 Besicovitch covering theorem L
46 Banach–Steinhaus theorem L
03 Well-ordering theorem L
46 Arzelà–Ascoli theorem L
11 Euclid's theorem L
05 Hindman's theorem L
28 Hahn decomposition theorem L
03 Matiyasevich's theorem L
52 Helly's theorem L
05 Sprague–Grundy theorem L
06 Birkhoff's representation theorem L
13 Lasker–Noether theorem L
11 Sylvester's law of inertia L
68 Smn theorem L
20 Cayley's theorem L
12 Rational root theorem L
12 Integral root theorem L
20 Schur's lemma L
11 Euclid–Euler theorem L
60 Bayes' theorem L
11 Fermat's little theorem L
26 Mean value theorem L
68 Rice's theorem L
30 De Moivre's theorem L
54 Lebesgue's decomposition theorem L
30 Fundamental theorem of algebra L
26 Rolle's theorem L
03 Kleene's recursion theorem L
11 Chinese remainder theorem L
03 Gödel's incompleteness theorem X
60 Optional stopping theorem L
12 Solutions of a general cubic equation L
03 Independence of the continuum hypothesis X
12 Primitive element theorem L
54 Banach fixed-point theorem L
05 Sperner's theorem L
20 Schur–Zassenhaus theorem L
60 Bertrand's ballot theorem L
26 Lebesgue differentiation theorem L
03 Uncountability of the continuum L
26 Intermediate value theorem L
52 Carathéodory's theorem L
20 Jordan–Hölder theorem L
26 Heine–Borel theorem L
28 Vitali theorem X
28 Carathéodory's theorem L
05 Binomial theorem L
11 Wilson's theorem L
20 Orbit-stabilizer theorem L
11 Ostrowski's theorem L
15 Rank–nullity theorem L
26 Abel's theorem L
28 Vitali covering theorem L
91 Arrow's impossibility theorem X
60 Kolmogorov extension theorem X
05 Kruskal–Katona theorem L
11 Mahler's theorem L
16 Lattice theorem L
15 Dimension theorem for vector spaces L
46 Hilbert projection theorem L
30 Hadamard three-lines theorem L
06 Kleene fixed-point theorem L
43 Fourier inversion theorem L
68 Akra–Bazzi theorem L
68 Myhill–Nerode theorem L
30 Phragmén–Lindelöf theorem L
51 Ptolemy's theorem L
26 Bolzano–Weierstrass theorem L
05 Four functions theorem L
26 Stirling's theorem L
11 Quadratic reciprocity theorem L
03 Cantor's theorem L
12 Solutions of a general quartic equation L
03 Ax–Grothendieck theorem L
18 Beck's monadicity theorem L
20 Lagrange's theorem L
11 Corners theorem L
34 Picard–Lindelöf theorem L
05 Hall's marriage theorem L
46 Banach–Alaoglu theorem L
26 Fatou–Lebesgue theorem L
11 Dirichlet's theorem on arithmetic progressions L
05 Friendship theorem L
13 Vieta's formulas L
30 Liouville's theorem L
26 Dini's theorem L
06 Knaster–Tarski theorem L
05 Multinomial theorem L
11 Bertrand's postulate L
52 Krein–Milman theorem L
13 Hilbert's basis theorem L
15 Cayley–Hamilton theorem L
12 Abel–Ruffini theorem L
11 Fundamental theorem of arithmetic L
46 Marcinkiewicz theorem X
30 Mellin inversion theorem L
11 Erdős–Ginzburg–Ziv theorem L
05 Erdős–Ko–Rado theorem L
12 Chevalley–Warning theorem L
55 Whitney–Graustein Theorem X
28 Schroeder–Bernstein theorem for measurable spaces L
12 Schwartz–Zippel theorem L
51 Sylvester–Gallai theorem X
26 Extreme value theorem L
11 Lagrange's four-square theorem L
05 Van der Waerden's theorem L
51 Heine–Cantor theorem L
16 Artin–Wedderburn theorem L
16 Structure theorem for finitely generated modules over a principal ideal domain L
26 Basel problem L
30 Cauchy integral theorem L
05 Theorem on friends and strangers X
54 Lebesgue's density theorem L
26 Implicit function theorem L
11 Solutions to Pell's equation L
46 Hahn–Banach theorem L
11 Fermat's theorem on sums of two squares L
05 Ramsey's theorem X
26 Inverse function theorem L
46 Stone–Weierstrass theorem L
13 Wedderburn's little theorem L
46 Open mapping theorem L
05 Kneser's theorem X
30 Open mapping theorem L
52 Erdős–Szekeres theorem L
35 Lax–Milgram theorem L