All theorems

MSC Name Isabelle HOL Light Coq Lean Metamath Mizar
30 Gauss–Lucas theorem
05 Hales–Jewett theorem
03 Cantor–Bernstein–Schroeder theorem
49 Noether's second theorem
05 Pólya enumeration theorem
30 Identity theorem
05 Szemerédi's theorem
05 Turán's theorem
17 Jacobson–Morozov theorem
81 Hohenberg–Kohn theorems
12 Joubert's theorem
53 Gauss's Theorema Egregium
91 Coase theorem
26 Cantor's intersection theorem
30 Hartogs's theorem
26 Cesàro's theorem
03 Craig's interpolation theorem
05 Five color theorem
54 Baire category theorem
26 Stolz–Cesàro theorem
60 Cox's theorem
91 May's theorem
20 Sylow theorems
57 Darboux's theorem
91 FWL theorem
78 Earnshaw's theorem
26 Squeeze theorem
16 Isomorphism theorem
28 Dominated convergence theorem
28 Bounded convergence theorem
46 Closed graph theorem
03 Löwenheim–Skolem theorem
00 Clairaut's theorem
14 Hilbert's Nullstellensatz (theorem of zeroes)
30 Bochner's tube theorem
51 Jung's theorem
30 Malgrange–Zerner theorem
46 Choquet–Bishop–de Leeuw theorem
03 Büchi-Elgot-Trakhtenbrot theorem
06 Cantor's isomorphism theorem
03 König's theorem
55 Hairy ball theorem
11 Euler's partition theorem
00 Vafa–Witten theorem
14 Hironaka theorem
11 Apéry's theorem
11 Minkowski's theorem
35 Lions–Lax–Milgram theorem
03 Feferman–Vaught theorem
42 Paley–Wiener theorem
03 Friedberg–Muchnik theorem
37 Krylov–Bogolyubov theorem
51 Dinostratus' theorem
15 Gamas's Theorem
54 Netto's theorem
62 Lehmann–Scheffé theorem
68 Ladner's theorem
62 Sklar's theorem
35 Euler's theorem on homogeneous functions
52 Supporting hyperplane theorem
05 Dilworth's theorem
28 Vitali convergence theorem
30 Harnack's theorem
30 Hurwitz's theorem
00 Optical theorem
54 Tychonoff's theorem
26 Taylor's theorem
20 Cauchy's theorem
17 Hurwitz's theorem
91 Rationality theorem
30 Morera's theorem
68 PCP theorem
51 Carnot's theorem
91 Heckscher–Ohlin theorem
54 Brouwer fixed-point theorem
11 Fermat polygonal number theorem
18 Mitchell's embedding theorem
28 Fubini's theorem
03 Goodstein's theorem
03 Kirby–Paris theorem
03 Compactness theorem
70 Lami's theorem
51 Pythagorean theorem
51 Mohr–Mascheroni theorem
00 Goldstone's theorem
26 Monotone convergence theorem
20 Plancherel theorem for spherical functions
03 Stone's representation theorem for Boolean algebras
53 Chern–Gauss–Bonnet theorem
37 Takens's theorem
91 Modigliani–Miller theorem
20 Rédei's theorem
57 De Rham's theorem
03 Deduction theorem
51 Poncelet–Steiner theorem
11 Lucas's theorem
16 Fundamental theorem on homomorphisms
51 Barbier's theorem
14 Nagata's compactification theorem
11 Zeckendorf's theorem
62 Pitman–Koopman–Darmois theorem
28 Radon–Nikodym theorem
28 Egorov's theorem
30 Rouché's theorem
54 Metrization theorems
51 Brianchon's theorem
51 Descartes's theorem
11 Mertens's theorems
51 De Gua's theorem
46 Kaplansky density theorem
26 Fundamental theorem of calculus
60 Khinchin's theorem
11 Dirichlet's unit theorem
11 Dirichlet's approximation theorem
60 Doob decomposition theorem
15 Birkhoff–Von Neumann theorem
03 Richardson's theorem
05 Schwenk's theorem
20 Nielsen–Schreier theorem
30 Schwartz kernel theorem
57 Poincaré–Hopf theorem
53 Nash embedding theorem
57 Whitney embedding theorem
55 Künneth theorem
03 Church–Rosser theorem
30 Mittag-Leffler's theorem
11 Chen's theorem
51 Japanese theorem for concyclic polygons
05 Dirac's theorems
26 Rademacher's theorem
11 Fermat's Last Theorem
30 Weierstrass factorization theorem
20 Classification of finite simple groups
54 Tietze extension theorem
51 Alternate Interior Angles Theorem
91 Rybczynski theorem
55 Eilenberg–Zilber theorem
46 Riesz representation theorem
16 Frobenius theorem
26 Luzin's theorem
03 Erdős–Rado theorem
11 Kronecker–Weber theorem
51 Casey's theorem
26 Besicovitch covering theorem
00 No-hair theorem
11 Franel–Landau theorem
11 Hilbert's theorem 90
46 Ryll-Nardzewski fixed-point theorem
51 Euler's theorem in geometry
05 Frucht's theorem
46 Spectral theorem
51 Brahmagupta theorem
11 Chebotarev's density theorem
46 Banach–Steinhaus theorem
00 Fluctuation dissipation theorem
14 Max Noether's theorem
42 Parseval's theorem
00 Penrose–Hawking singularity theorems
14 Freudenthal suspension theorem
03 Well-ordering theorem
52 Radon's theorem
46 Hellinger–Toeplitz theorem
46 Arzelà–Ascoli theorem
30 Runge's theorem
11 Euclid's theorem
22 Lie's third theorem
20 Peter–Weyl theorem
60 Dunford–Pettis theorem
03 Łoś' theorem
14 Bézout's theorem
30 Sokhatsky–Weierstrass theorem
00 Mermin–Wagner theorem
15 Binomial inverse theorem
81 Reeh–Schlieder theorem
15 Perron–Frobenius theorem
05 Hindman's theorem
81 Haag's theorem
12 Marden's theorem
28 Hahn decomposition theorem
11 Lindemann–Weierstrass theorem
11 Lochs's theorem
11 Barban–Davenport–Halberstam theorem
03 Morley's categoricity theorem
51 Van Schooten's theorem
51 Anne's theorem
51 Newton's theorem (quadrilateral)
51 Finsler–Hadwiger theorem
20 Lumer–Phillips theorem
35 Cauchy–Kowalevski theorem
46 Orlicz–Pettis theorem
03 Matiyasevich's theorem
11 Hurwitz's theorem
51 Lester's theorem
51 Steiner–Lehmus theorem
12 Sturm's theorem
52 Helly's theorem
00 Poynting's theorem
54 Lebesgue covering dimension
46 Mazur–Ulam theorem
05 Strong perfect graph theorem
30 Picard theorem
51 Japanese theorem for concyclic quadrilaterals
05 Sprague–Grundy theorem
11 Vinogradov's theorem
14 Grauert–Riemenschneider vanishing theorem
51 John ellipsoid
05 2-factor theorem
91 Arrow-Lind theorem
52 Alexandrov's uniqueness theorem
06 Birkhoff's representation theorem
11 Davenport–Schmidt theorem
65 Godunov's theorem
20 Golod–Shafarevich theorem
20 Grushko theorem
20 Higman's embedding theorem
32 Appell–Humbert theorem
14 Zariski's connectedness theorem
54 Bing metrization theorem
91 Mutual fund separation theorem
46 Fixed-point theorems in infinite-dimensional spaces
46 Tikhonov fixed-point theorem
11 Jurkat–Richert theorem
13 Jacobson density theorem
11 Kaplansky's theorem on quadratic forms
51 Intersection theorem
57 Riemann–Roch theorem for smooth manifolds
78 Maximum power theorem
14 Riemann singularity theorem
81 Nielsen–Ninomiya theorem
57 Lickorish–Wallace theorem
46 Mercer's theorem
51 Hjelmslev's theorem
13 Lasker–Noether theorem
11 Wolstenholme's theorem
51 Intersecting secants theorem
20 Brauer–Suzuki theorem
11 Mihăilescu's theorem
68 Blum's speedup theorem
81 No-cloning theorem
40 Riemann series theorem
11 Sylvester's law of inertia
00 Kutta–Joukowski theorem
94 Shannon–Hartley theorem
60 Doob's martingale convergence theorems
68 Smn theorem
51 Poncelet's closure theorem
60 Berry–Esséen theorem
05 Schur's theorem
00 Kramers' theorem
51 Routh's theorem
20 Cayley's theorem
43 Fourier theorem
03 Independence of the axiom of choice
12 Rational root theorem
12 Integral root theorem
51 Pizza theorem
20 Schur's lemma
81 Byers–Yang theorem
22 Cartan's theorem
11 Euclid–Euler theorem
60 Bayes' theorem
26 Fubini's theorem on differentiation
05 Four color theorem
60 Theorem of de Moivre–Laplace
51 Euler's quadrilateral theorem
11 Fermat's little theorem
51 Classification of Platonic solids
51 Holditch's theorem
26 Mean value theorem
68 Rice's theorem
51 Varignon's theorem
14 Grothendieck–Hirzebruch–Riemann–Roch theorem
11 Ford's theorem
60 Central limit theorem
60 Lyapunov's central limit theorem
30 De Moivre's theorem
11 Ramanujan–Skolem's theorem
54 Lebesgue's decomposition theorem
30 Fundamental theorem of algebra
03 Herbrand's theorem
68 Chomsky–Schützenberger enumeration theorem
26 Rolle's theorem
03 Kleene's recursion theorem
11 Hasse–Minkowski theorem
11 Chinese remainder theorem
51 Menelaus's theorem
11 Euler's theorem
57 H-cobordism theorem
57 S–cobordism theorem
15 Inverse eigenvalues theorem
81 Wigner–Eckart theorem
30 Mergelyan's theorem
60 Lévy continuity theorem
30 Riemann's theorem on removable singularities
51 Thomsen's theorem
26 Hölder's theorem
20 Burnside's theorem
51 Art gallery theorem
03 Gödel's incompleteness theorem
53 Hilbert's theorem
51 Reuschle's theorem
46 Hilbert–Schmidt theorem
60 Optional stopping theorem
51 Cramer's theorem (algebraic curves)
17 Ado's theorem
12 Solutions of a general cubic equation
60 Karhunen–Loève theorem
03 Löb's theorem
11 Critical line theorem
55 Poincaré duality theorem
11 Artin–Schreier theorem
51 Independence of the parallel postulate
15 Rouché–Capelli theorem
20 Sela's theorem
03 Independence of the continuum hypothesis X
14 Castelnuovo theorem
12 Primitive element theorem
53 Hopf–Rinow theorem
42 Plancherel theorem
17 Lie's theorem
30 Uniformization theorem
37 Hartman–Grobman theorem
12 Diller–Dress theorem
51 Ceva's theorem
51 Feuerbach's theorem
11 Nicomachus's theorem
54 Banach fixed-point theorem
00 Shell theorem
47 Bauer–Fike theorem
51 Beckman–Quarles theorem
46 Banach–Mazur theorem
05 Bruck–Chowla–Ryser theorem
51 Commandino's theorem
62 Cramér’s decomposition theorem
03 Easton's theorem
46 Eberlein–Šmulian theorem
46 Gelfand–Mazur theorem
46 Gelfand–Naimark theorem
05 Kirchhoff's theorem
14 Hurwitz's automorphisms theorem
46 Kantorovich theorem
20 Krull–Schmidt theorem
34 Malgrange–Ehrenpreis theorem
00 König's theorem
05 Sperner's theorem
20 Schur–Zassenhaus theorem
03 Tennenbaum's theorem
11 Vantieghems theorem
37 Sarkovskii's theorem
51 Geometric mean theorem
30 Weierstrass–Casorati theorem
60 Bertrand's ballot theorem
05 Ore's theorem
37 Poincaré recurrence theorem
51 Intersecting chords theorem
51 Tangent-secant theorem
12 Cohn's irreducibility criterion
17 Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt theorem
26 Lebesgue differentiation theorem
06 Shannon's expansion theorem
54 Caristi fixed-point theorem
03 Uncountability of the continuum
68 Lamé’s theorem
53 Sphere theorem
30 Looman–Menchoff theorem
51 Pitot theorem
15 Exchange theorem
94 Shannon's theorem
80 Carnot's theorem
20 Jordan–Schur theorem
11 Skolem–Mahler–Lech theorem
26 Abelian and Tauberian theorems
11 Thue's theorem
03 Lindström's theorem
13 Going-up and going-down theorems
55 Hurewicz theorem
14 Faltings's theorem
94 Shannon's source coding theorem
78 Thévenin's theorem
28 Monotone class theorem
00 Clausius theorem
51 Miquel's theorem
51 Pivot theorem
26 Intermediate value theorem
26 Bolzano's theorem
46 Riesz–Thorin theorem
52 Carathéodory's theorem
68 Ugly duckling theorem
49 Envelope theorem
11 Mann's theorem
37 Poincaré–Bendixson theorem
55 Universal coefficient theorem
37 Liénard's theorem
51 Thébault's theorem
26 Kolmogorov–Arnold representation theorem
32 Kodaira vanishing theorem
60 Jackson's theorem
20 Jordan–Hölder theorem
47 Browder–Minty theorem
30 Arakelyan's theorem
05 Bregman–Minc inequality
26 Heine–Borel theorem
51 Descartes's theorem on total angular defect
14 BBD decomposition theorem
60 Ionescu-Tulcea theorem
20 Cartan–Dieudonné theorem
12 Artin–Zorn theorem
37 Equipartition theorem
65 Lax–Richtmyer theorem
28 Vitali theorem
28 Carathéodory's theorem
62 Wold's theorem
00 Taylor–Proudman theorem
51 Hinge theorem
54 Jordan curve theorem
54 Nagata–Smirnov metrization theorem
28 Carathéodory's extension theorem
68 Structured program theorem
42 Convolution theorem
30 Bloch's theorem
05 Binomial theorem
05 Abel's binomial theorem
51 Gauss–Wantzel theorem
81 Furry's theorem
11 Linnik's theorem
05 Bondy–Chvátal theorem
83 Price's theorem
33 Bohr–Mollerup theorem
11 Wilson's theorem
11 Stark–Heegner theorem
05 Ringel–Youngs theorem
05 Perfect graph theorem
00 Odd number theorem
00 Lovelock's theorem
14 Addition theorem
11 Pentagonal number theorem
60 Arrival theorem
60 Glivenko's theorem
11 Mordell–Weil theorem
51 Thales's theorem
11 Bombieri's theorem
26 Gradient theorem
20 Orbit-stabilizer theorem
14 Unmixedness theorem
03 Gomory's theorem
11 Ostrowski's theorem
51 Monge's theorem
05 Hajnal–Szemerédi theorem
11 Ankeny–Artin–Chowla theorem
05 Cameron–Erdős theorem
20 Mirsky–Newman theorem
53 Newlander–Niremberg theorem
16 Skolem–Noether theorem
03 Post's theorem
15 Rank–nullity theorem
26 Hardy–Littlewood maximal theorem
03 Sahlqvist correspondence theorem
46 Goldstine theorem
60 Le Cam's theorem
05 Perlis theorem
52 Kirchberger's theorem
26 Abel's theorem
26 Green's theorem
05 Balinski's theorem
30 Borel–Carathéodory theorem
28 Vitali covering theorem
40 Absolute convergence theorem
46 Moore–Aronszajn theorem
91 Arrow's impossibility theorem
26 Divergence theorem
51 Symphonic theorem
14 Chasles's theorems
05 Bondy's theorem
26 Szegő limit theorems
11 Hasse's theorem on elliptic curves
14 Cayley–Salmon theorem
14 AF+BG theorem
11 Ax–Kochen theorem
52 Erdős–Anning theorem
53 Euler's theorem
11 Takagi existence theorem
60 Kolmogorov extension theorem
14 Excision theorem
05 BEST theorem
42 Balian–Low theorem
11 Baker's theorem
51 Beck's theorem
46 Bernstein's theorem
30 Beurling–Lax theorem
11 Birch's theorem
51 Cauchy's theorem
68 Chomsky–Schützenberger representation theorem
51 Pappus's area theorem
05 De Bruijn–Erdős theorem (graph theory)
51 De Bruijn–Erdős theorem (incidence geometry)
60 Donsker's theorem
28 F. and M. Riesz theorem
57 Fáry–Milnor theorem
11 Freiman's theorem
22 Haboush's theorem
20 Gromov's theorem on groups of polynomial growth
11 Hilbert–Speiser theorem
11 Jacobi's four-square theorem
06 Kruskal's tree theorem
05 Kruskal–Katona theorem
65 Lax–Wendroff theorem
22 Lie–Kolchin theorem
11 Mahler's theorem
52 Monsky's theorem
46 Müntz–Szász theorem
14 Nagell–Lutz theorem
05 Robertson–Seymour theorem
11 Sophie Germain's theorem
28 Steinhaus theorem
53 Synge's theorem
14 Whitehead theorem
16 Lattice theorem
11 Principal ideal theorem
15 Dimension theorem for vector spaces
11 Hasse norm theorem
53 Non-squeezing theorem
46 Hilbert projection theorem
46 M. Riesz extension theorem
32 Weierstrass preparation theorem
20 Crystallographic restriction theorem
68 Linear speedup theorem
11 Von Staudt–Clausen theorem
40 Kolmogorov's three-series theorem
13 Krull's principal ideal theorem
11 Six exponentials theorem
51 Six circles theorem
30 Hadamard three-lines theorem
06 Kleene fixed-point theorem
26 Wiener's tauberian theorem
51 Pompeiu's theorem
00 Adiabatic theorem
68 Holland's schema theorem
18 Freyd's adjoint functor theorem
20 Tits alternative
00 Kelvin's circulation theorem
00 Saint-Venant's theorem
26 Sobolev embedding theorem
68 Kraft–McMillan theorem
55 Seifert–van Kampen theorem
51 Intercept theorem
03 Cut-elimination theorem
51 Butterfly theorem
11 Proth's theorem
68 Cook's theorem
14 Riemann–Roch theorem
30 Measurable Riemann mapping theorem
32 Hartogs's extension theorem
11 Herbrand–Ribet theorem
11 Prime number theorem
81 Bell's theorem
11 Carmichael's theorem
57 Tameness theorem
53 Brunn–Minkowski theorem
34 Sturm–Picone comparison theorem
55 Simplicial approximation theorem
91 Duggan–Schwartz theorem
26 Helly's selection theorem
91 Holmström's theorem
37 Equidistribution theorem
43 Fourier inversion theorem
81 No-communication theorem
53 Mostow rigidity theorem
15 Fredholm's theorem
14 Puiseux's theorem
62 Skorokhod's representation theorem
11 ATS theorem
11 Niven's theorem
53 Soul theorem
00 Positive energy theorem
68 Akra–Bazzi theorem
68 Myhill–Nerode theorem
30 Laurent expansion theorem
44 Initial value theorem
26 Final value theorem
62 Gauss–Markov theorem
30 Phragmén–Lindelöf theorem
30 Carathéodory's theorem
60 De Finetti's theorem
30 Ostrowski–Hadamard gap theorem
62 Aumann's agreement theorem
30 Edge-of-the-wedge theorem
26 Kirszbraun theorem
46 Min-max theorem
30 Lindelöf's theorem
30 Liouville's theorem
53 Meusnier's theorem
35 Novikov's compact leaf theorem
00 Pomeranchuk's theorem
12 Routh–Hurwitz theorem
35 Reeb sphere theorem
46 Sazonov's theorem
37 No wandering domain theorem
46 Stone's theorem on one-parameter unitary groups
05 Fáry's theorem
30 Fatou's theorem
30 Hardy's theorem
51 Cayley–Bacharach theorem
30 Monodromy theorem
51 Ptolemy's theorem
53 2π theorem
32 Hirzebruch–Riemann–Roch theorem
14 Abel–Jacobi theorem
14 Abel's curve theorem
14 Abhyankar–Moh theorem
91 Fundamental theorems of welfare economics
57 Stokes's theorem
55 Acyclic models theorem
26 Bolzano–Weierstrass theorem
05 Four functions theorem
30 Akhiezer's theorem
26 Stirling's theorem
17 Albert–Brauer–Hasse–Noether theorem
91 Alchian–Allen theorem
14 Chow's theorem
14 Riemann's existence theorem
11 Quadratic reciprocity theorem
53 Gromov–Ruh theorem
20 Alperin–Brauer–Gorenstein theorem
37 Denjoy theorem
15 Amitsur–Levitzki theorem
03 Cantor's theorem
05 Analyst's traveling salesman theorem
46 Analytic Fredholm theorem
26 Anderson's theorem
14 Andreotti–Frankel theorem
12 Solutions of a general quartic equation
14 Arithmetic Riemann–Roch theorem
30 Area theorem (conformal mapping)
13 Artin approximation theorem
11 Artin–Verdier duality theorem
93 Artstein's theorem
14 Atiyah–Segal completion theorem
47 Atkinson's theorem
37 Autonomous convergence theorem
11 Auxiliary polynomial theorem
03 Ax–Grothendieck theorem
05 Aztec diamond theorem
35 Babuška–Lax–Milgram theorem
14 Baily–Borel theorem
47 Banach–Stone theorem
62 Bapat–Beg theorem
03 Barwise compactness theorem
14 Base change theorems
14 Proper base change theorem
60 Infinite monkey theorem
14 Beauville–Laszlo theorem
18 Beck's monadicity theorem
32 Behnke–Stein theorem
53 Beltrami's theorem
14 Belyi's theorem
91 Fisher separation theorem
53 Berger–Kazdan comparison theorem
41 Bernstein's theorem
03 Solèr's theorem
20 Frobenius reciprocity theorem
54 Bing's recognition theorem
32 Birkhoff–Grothendieck theorem
91 Bishop–Cannings theorem
78 Blondel's theorem
81 Bogoliubov–Parasyuk theorem
91 Bondareva–Shapley theorem
53 Bonnet theorem
03 Borel determinacy theorem
14 Borel fixed-point theorem
20 Borel–Bott–Weil theorem
20 Borel–Weil theorem
14 Bott periodicity theorem
47 Bounded inverse theorem
06 Bourbaki–Witt theorem
54 Jordan–Schönflies theorem
32 Branching theorem
20 Brauer's theorem on induced characters
20 Brauer's three main theorems
20 Brauer–Nesbitt theorem
11 Brauer–Siegel theorem
20 Brauer–Suzuki–Wall theorem
51 British flag theorem
14 Brown's representability theorem
11 Brun–Titchmarsh theorem
11 Chowla–Mordell theorem
60 Burke's theorem
51 Busemann's theorem
30 Bôcher's theorem
00 C-theorem
28 Cameron–Martin theorem
34 Carathéodory's existence theorem
30 Carleson–Jacobs theorem
30 Carlson's theorem
32 Cartan's theorems A and B
13 Brauer–Cartan–Hua theorem
53 Cartan–Hadamard theorem
35 Cartan–Kuranishi prolongation theorem
35 Cartan–Kähler theorem
05 Mycielski's theorem
14 Castelnuovo–de Franchis theorem
20 Lagrange's theorem
53 Cheng's eigenvalue comparison theorem
14 Chevalley's structure theorem
20 Chevalley–Shephard–Todd theorem
05 Tutte theorem
47 Choi's theorem on completely positive maps
00 Clapeyron's theorem
60 Clark–Ocone theorem
05 Brooks's theorem
51 Clifford's circle theorems
14 Clifford's theorem on special divisors
81 Cluster decomposition theorem
68 Codd's theorem
13 Cohen structure theorem
46 Commutation theorem
68 Compression theorem
37 Conley–Zehnder theorem
03 Conservativity theorem
60 Continuous mapping theorem
26 Van Vleck's theorem
11 Corners theorem
30 Corona theorem
05 Courcelle's theorem
03 Craig's theorem
00 Crooks fluctuation theorem
51 Crossbar theorem
37 Curtis–Hedlund–Lyndon theorem
46 Danskin's theorem
57 Carathéodory–Jacobi–Lie theorem
00 Spin–statistics theorem
26 Dawson–Gärtner theorem
52 de Bruijn's theorem
53 De Franchis theorem
68 Time hierarchy theorem
54 Lickorish twist theorem
05 Galvin's theorem
20 Harish–Chandra theorem
28 Disintegration theorem
00 Kochen–Specker theorem
46 Von Neumann bicommutant theorem
57 Donaldson's theorem
60 Doob–Meyer decomposition theorem
03 Glivenko's theorem
34 Picard–Lindelöf theorem
60 Dudley's theorem
46 Dunford–Schwartz theorem
05 Zeilberger–Bressoud theorem
91 Edgeworth's limit theorem
30 Montel's theorem
81 Elitzur's theorem
05 Hall's marriage theorem
46 Banach–Alaoglu theorem
51 Equal incircles theorem
05 Erdős–Gallai theorem
52 Erdős–Nagy theorem
05 Erdős–Pósa theorem
05 Erdős–Stone theorem
51 Exterior angle theorem
30 Farrell–Markushevich theorem
26 Fatou–Lebesgue theorem
91 Faustman–Ohlin theorem
05 Lagrange inversion theorem
46 Fenchel's duality theorem
53 Fenchel's theorem
26 Fenchel–Moreau theorem
60 Glivenko–Cantelli theorem
28 Fernique's theorem
11 Ferrero–Washington theorem
62 Fieller's theorem
62 Fisher–Tippett–Gnedenko theorem
20 Fitting's theorem
51 Five circles theorem
16 Focal subgroup theorem
62 Foster's theorem
26 Fraňková–Helly selection theorem
37 Birkhoff's theorem
17 Shirshov–Witt theorem
60 Freidlin–Wentzell theorem
11 Bombieri–Friedlander–Iwaniec theorem
11 Dirichlet's theorem on arithmetic progressions
05 Friendship theorem
20 Frobenius determinant theorem
26 Froda's theorem
34 Fuchs's theorem
46 Fuglede's theorem
68 Full employment theorem
14 Fulton–Hansen connectedness theorem
91 Fundamental theorem of arbitrage-free pricing
05 Berge's theorem
81 Gell-Mann and Low theorem
53 Geroch's splitting theorem
60 Cramér's theorem (large deviations)
11 Glaisher's theorem
46 Gleason's theorem
17 Goddard–Thorn theorem
00 Goldberg–Sachs theorem
13 Goldie's theorem
60 Gordon–Newell theorem
81 Gottesman–Knill theorem
05 Graph structure theorem
05 Grinberg's theorem
53 Gromov's compactness theorem
57 Gromov's compactness theorem
14 Grothendieck's connectedness theorem
30 Grunsky's theorem
11 Grunwald–Wang theorem
05 Grötzsch's theorem
05 Alspach's theorem
28 Hadwiger's theorem
06 Hahn embedding theorem
05 Halpern–Läuchli theorem
60 Hammersley–Clifford theorem
26 Hardy–Littlewood tauberian theorem
11 Hardy–Ramanujan theorem
20 Harish–Chandra's regularity theorem
14 Harnack's curve theorem
30 Hartogs–Rosenthal theorem
54 Hahn–Mazurkiewicz theorem
11 Hasse–Arf theorem
54 Reidemeister–Singer Theorem
54 Waldhausen's theorem
11 Gross–Zagier theorem
13 Vieta's formulas
60 Helly–Bray theorem
00 Helmholtz theorem (classical mechanics)
03 Tarski's indefinability theorem
11 Hilbert's irreducibility theorem
30 Liouville's theorem
37 Noether's theorem
62 Rao–Blackwell theorem
53 Sard's theorem
00 Haag–Łopuszański–Sohnius theorem
37 Kolmogorov–Arnold–Moser theorem
26 Hobby–Rice theorem
14 Hodge index theorem
30 Koebe 1/4 theorem
51 Van Aubel's theorem
26 Dini's theorem
53 Identity theorem for Riemann surfaces
62 Cochran's theorem
26 Increment theorem
46 Aronszajn–Smith theorem
51 Constant chord theorem
05 Max flow min cut theorem
16 Isomorphism extension theorem
06 Knaster–Tarski theorem
51 Theorem of the gnomon
12 Jacobson–Bourbaki theorem
91 Gibbard–Satterthwaite theorem
51 Isoperimetric theorem
05 Multinomial theorem
11 Behrend's theorem
70 Virial theorem
20 Jordan's theorem (multiply transitive groups)
46 Closed range theorem
11 Bertrand's postulate
11 Sylvester's theorem
46 Kachurovskii's theorem
03 Kanamori–McAloon theorem
68 Karp–Lipton theorem
51 Napoleon's theorem
11 Katz–Lang finiteness theorem
14 Kawamata–Viehweg vanishing theorem
00 Kawasaki's theorem
14 Kempf–Ness theorem
93 Kharitonov's theorem
05 Lagrange reversion theorem
11 Lagrange's theorem
53 Killing–Hopf theorem
81 Kinoshita–Lee–Nauenberg theorem
34 Kneser's theorem
14 Kodaira embedding theorem
52 Krein–Milman theorem
26 Riesz–Fischer theorem
93 Krener's theorem
60 Slutsky's theorem
47 Kuiper's theorem
20 Kurosh subgroup theorem
28 Kōmura's theorem
20 L-balance theorem
51 Pick's theorem
11 Lafforgue's theorem
05 Lambek–Moser theorem
11 Landau prime ideal theorem
11 Modularity theorem
17 Shirshov–Cohn theorem
46 Lauricella's theorem
91 Folk theorem
57 Lee Hwa Chung theorem
78 Norton's theorem
82 Lee–Yang theorem
55 Lefschetz hyperplane theorem
14 Lefschetz theorem on (1,1)-classes
14 Leray's theorem
55 Leray–Hirsch theorem
91 Lerner symmetry theorem
22 Levi's theorem
13 Levitzky's theorem
53 Lie–Palais theorem
46 Schauder fixed-point theorem
20 Maschke's theorem
13 Hilbert's basis theorem
15 Cayley–Hamilton theorem
54 Lefschetz fixed-point theorem
54 Lefschetz–Hopf theorem
12 Abel–Ruffini theorem
11 Hilbert–Waring theorem
26 Darboux's theorem
60 Lukacs's proportion-sum independence theorem
11 Fundamental theorem of arithmetic
35 Lyapunov–Malkin theorem
60 Lévy's modulus of continuity theorem
81 Coleman–Mandula theorem
05 MacMahon Master theorem
28 Maharam's theorem
11 Mahler's compactness theorem
11 Maier's theorem
32 Malgrange preparation theorem
11 Manin–Drinfeld theorem
46 Marcinkiewicz theorem
92 Marginal value theorem
51 Dandelin's theorem
37 Markus−Yamabe theorem
60 Martingale representation theorem
12 Mason–Stothers theorem
37 Maximal ergodic theorem
52 Separating axis theorem
60 Maxwell's theorem
94 Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem
11 Mazur's control theorem
30 Mellin inversion theorem
51 Euler's rotation theorem
44 Titchmarsh theorem
05 Milliken's tree theorem
05 Milliken–Taylor theorem
46 Milman–Pettis theorem
11 Minkowski's second theorem
11 Minkowski–Hlawka theorem
46 Minlos's theorem
46 Moreau's theorem
91 Morton's theorem
49 Mountain pass theorem
91 Moving equilibrium theorem
03 Soundness theorem
20 Multiplicity-one theorem
14 Mumford vanishing theorem
30 Nachbin's theorem
26 Nash–Moser theorem
14 Newton's theorem about ovals
54 Nielsen realization problem
54 Nielsen fixed-point theorem
81 No-broadcasting theorem
91 No-trade theorem
91 Kuhn's theorem
00 No free lunch theorem
14 Noether's theorem on rationality for surfaces
81 Optical equivalence theorem
93 Orbit theorem (Nagano–Sussmann)
93 Rashevsky–Chow theorem
37 Ornstein theorem
37 Oseledec theorem
12 Paley's theorem
81 Pandya theorem
03 Paris–Harrington theorem
54 Parovicenko's theorem
91 Parthasarathy's theorem
00 Peeling theorem
46 Peetre theorem
37 Peixoto's theorem
11 Erdős–Ginzburg–Ziv theorem
05 Erdős–Ko–Rado theorem
60 Pickands–Balkema–de Haan theorem
68 Toda's theorem
05 Planar separator theorem
12 Chevalley–Warning theorem
60 Poisson limit theorem
05 Szemerédi–Trotter theorem
57 Preimage theorem
15 Principal axis theorem
28 Prokhorov's theorem
68 Pseudorandom generator theorem
81 No-deleting theorem
68 Quantum threshold theorem
46 Denjoy–Carleman theorem
14 Sylvester pentahedral theorem
26 Fermat's theorem (stationary points)
16 Quillen–Suslin theorem
46 Quotient of subspace theorem
60 Raikov's theorem
14 Ramanujam vanishing theorem
30 Hadamard three-circle theorem
37 Ratner's theorems
53 Rauch comparison theorem
54 Ham sandwich theorem
11 Reflection theorem
13 Regev's theorem
55 Whitney–Graustein Theorem
14 Reider's theorem
30 Remmert–Stein theorem
60 Reversed compound agent theorem
14 Ribet's theorem
68 Rice–Shapiro theorem
51 Impossibility of angle trisection
14 Riemann–Roch theorem for surfaces
05 Robbins theorem
03 Robinson's joint consistency theorem
54 Rokhlin's theorem
28 Banach–Tarski theorem
37 Bendixson–Dulac theorem
51 Stewart's theorem
51 Saccheri–Legendre theorem
34 Peano existence theorem
53 Gauss–Bonnet theorem
68 Schaefer's dichotomy theorem
60 Schilder's theorem
05 Schnyder's theorem
20 Schreier refinement theorem
28 Schroeder–Bernstein theorem for measurable spaces
47 Schröder–Bernstein theorems for operator algebras
20 Great orthogonality theorem
12 Schwartz–Zippel theorem
00 Osterwalder–Schrader theorem
57 Scott core theorem
68 Immerman–Szelepcsényi theorem
13 Swan's theorem
51 Sylvester–Gallai theorem
16 Shift theorem
11 Siegel–Walfisz theorem
11 Thue–Siegel–Roth theorem
14 Hirzebruch signature theorem
26 Silverman–Toeplitz theorem
26 Extreme value theorem
15 Sinkhorn's theorem
91 Sion's minimax theorem
68 Sipser–Lautemann theorem
30 Siu's semicontinuity theorem
32 Skoda–El Mir theorem
62 Skorokhod's embedding theorem
57 Atiyah–Bott fixed-point theorem
53 Atiyah–Singer index theorem
11 Lagrange's four-square theorem
68 Space hierarchy theorem
15 Specht's theorem
20 Stallings theorem about ends of groups
55 Stallings–Zeeman theorem
05 Stanley's reciprocity theorem
05 Star of David theorem
05 Steinitz theorem
28 Stein–Strömberg theorem
47 Stinespring factorization theorem
54 The duality theorem
46 Stone–von Neumann theorem
12 Strassmann's theorem
28 Structure theorem for Gaussian measures
11 Subspace theorem
05 Van der Waerden's theorem
00 Supersymmetry nonrenormalization theorems
51 Heine–Cantor theorem
15 Sylvester's determinant theorem
05 Symmetric hypergraph theorem
47 Sz.-Nagy's dilation theorem
70 Liouville's theorem
51 Bang's theorem
16 Artin–Wedderburn theorem
11 Tijdeman's theorem
14 Bertini's theorem
14 Theorem of the cube
00 Theorem of three moments
13 Hilbert's syzygy theorem
20 Thompson transitivity theorem
20 Thompson uniqueness theorem
11 15 and 290 theorems
30 Titchmarsh convolution theorem
47 Tomita's theorem
46 Tonelli's theorem
91 Topkis's theorem
53 Toponogov's theorem
14 Torelli theorem
14 Mazur's torsion theorem
54 Blaschke selection theorem
20 Trichotomy theorem
22 Trombi–Varadarajan theorem
46 Trudinger's theorem
14 Tsen's theorem
11 Tunnell's theorem
11 Turán–Kubilius theorem
52 Tverberg's theorem
16 Structure theorem for finitely generated modules over a principal ideal domain
68 Universal approximation theorem
05 Baranyai's theorem
68 Valiant–Vazirani theorem
62 Basu's theorem
11 Beatty's theorem
55 Vietoris–Begle mapping theorem
28 Vitali–Hahn–Saks theorem
47 Von Neumann's theorem
00 Betti's theorem
05 Wagner's theorem
20 Walter theorem
14 Weber's theorem
81 Weinberg–Witten theorem
26 Whitney extension theorem
57 Whitney immersion theorem
11 Wiener–Ikehara theorem
51 Beer's theorem
03 Wilkie's theorem
11 Witt's theorem
20 Z* theorem
20 ZJ theorem
26 Zahorski theorem
05 Kövari–Sós–Turán theorem
14 Zariski's main theorem
11 Zsigmondy's theorem
11 Śleszyński–Pringsheim theorem
26 Basel problem
00 Parallel axis theorem
60 Girsanov's theorem
30 Residue theorem
30 Cauchy integral theorem
52 Wallace–Bolyai–Gerwien theorem
05 Theorem on friends and strangers
35 Frobenius theorem
51 Desargues's theorem
54 Lebesgue's density theorem
11 Brun's theorem
51 Pappus's centroid theorem
11 Erdős–Kac theorem
54 Borsuk–Ulam theorem
26 Implicit function theorem
11 Kronecker's theorem
00 Wick's theorem
51 Pappus's hexagon theorem
51 Viviani's theorem
51 Euler's polyhedron theorem
11 Solutions to Pell's equation
68 CAP theorem
11 Midy's theorem
30 de Branges's theorem
70 Castigliano's first and second theorems
30 Cauchy–Hadamard theorem
83 Birkhoff's theorem
46 Hahn–Banach theorem
57 Ehresmann's theorem
11 Rosser's theorem
03 Szpilrajn extension theorem
03 Boolean prime ideal theorem
51 Apollonius's theorem
00 Bohr–van Leeuwen theorem
05 König's theorem
51 Pascal's theorem
80 H-theorem
82 Fluctuation theorem
03 Gödel's completeness theorem
34 Floquet's theorem
00 Hellmann–Feynman theorem
20 Feit–Thompson theorem
51 Morley's trisector theorem
91 Minimax theorem
11 Fermat's theorem on sums of two squares
11 Robin's theorem
05 Ramsey's theorem
11 Green–Tao theorem
26 Master theorem (analysis of algorithms)
91 Sonnenschein–Mantel–Debreu Theorem
51 Angle bisector theorem
30 Riemann mapping theorem
05 Menger's theorem
53 Myers theorem
26 Inverse function theorem
26 Constant rank theorem
53 Bertrand–Diquet–Puiseux theorem
46 Stone–Weierstrass theorem L
53 Schwarz–Ahlfors–Pick theorem
13 Wedderburn's little theorem
46 Open mapping theorem
05 Kneser's theorem
06 Pasch's theorem
76 Reynolds transport theorem
68 Savitch's theorem
51 Conway circle theorem
03 Erdős–Dushnik–Miller theorem
11 Thabit ibn Qurra's theorem
28 Cramér–Wold theorem
30 Open mapping theorem
43 Rado's theorem
15 Stahl's theorem
46 Hille–Yosida theorem
11 Gelfond–Schneider theorem
52 Erdős–Szekeres theorem
91 Stolper–Samuelson theorem
15 Gershgorin circle theorem
00 Helmholtz's theorems
33 Multiplication theorem
53 Four-vertex theorem
00 Perpendicular axis theorem
35 Lax–Milgram theorem
00 Buckingham π theorem